Hi guys! So I had this concealer for a long time already and I started using it for my everyday makeup since the start of this year. Here's my short review of this concealer!

Packaging: I kinda like the packaging of this concealer

, even though it's not very hygienic

I like the how the packaging made the product inside really look as if it was made from something natural

. Just make sure that before using this, your hands are super clean

Scent: It doesn't have a fishy scent

, lol. It actually has a floral scent that I like

Coverage and Finish: It has a light-medium coverage and a very dewy finish

. It doesn't look cakey and too fake-looking like the other concealers that I have tried


It has a dewy finish

so don't apply to much because doing that will make the concealer sink into the fine lines under my eyes


I haven't noticed any improvement in my dark circles in using this for two months

. But it really makes the skin moisturized so maybe that will just prevent my dark circles from having more fine lines or wrinkles
